SL-TC-LM-AF2 LGB G Scale Automated Coca Cola© Santa Figure Set with Track Contact, Extreme Loco Magnet, & Animated Santa Figure Scene that Lights & Plays Music - Self Powered - Installs in 10 seconds - no wiring!
Christmas Animated Coca Cola© Santa figure Santa at the fire hearth with cookies on the mantel and a lighted LED fire simulaiton comes on and music plays 'Joy to the world' when your train passes over the brass track contact. Self powered from two replaceable batteries to last many Christmas seasons.
![SL-TC-LM-AF2 LGB G Scale Automated Coca Cola© Santa Figure Set with Track Contact, Extreme Loco Magnet, & Animated Santa Figure Scene](image/LGB_20150_150-Yr_Christmas_LTD_ED_Set/SL-TC-AF1_Coca_Cola_Santa_Clause_G_Scale_figure_with_fire_place_cu-tk-bg_800.jpg)
(Christmas trees, other figures and Christmas Train set not included)
![SL-TC-LM-AF2 LGB G Scale Automated Coca Cola© Santa Figure Set with Track Contact, Extreme Loco Magnet, & Animated Santa Figure Scene](image/LGB_20150_150-Yr_Christmas_LTD_ED_Set+Trees+Nut-Crackers+TK+Lights_SL-TC-AF1_Coca_Cola_Santa_Clause_G_Scale_figure_with_fireplace_800.jpg)
A perfect G scale addition to your holiday layout or Christmas village ( Christmas trees, other figures and Christmas Train set not included with set)
Click here for more product details, easy install directions and larger photos
Set Features:
- Coca Cola© Santa Clause G Scale figure at the fire hearth with cookies on the mantel and a lighted LED fire simulaiton comes on and music plays 'Joy to the world' when your train or car with attached loco magnet passes over the figure's track contact.
- Automatic or Manual operation by pushing the button on the base
- Automated Operation when a train loco or car with magnet passes over contact
- Animated lamp post with LED light
- Plays "Joy to the World" when activated
- Built in speaker
- Finely Painted Details
- Self Powered by two replaceable batteries that last up to 4 years
- Place on the layout or on a moving flat car for automatic activation when the attached contact passes near the incuded loco magnet
- Shourt Line Track Contact - pre-wired to animated figure
- High sensitivity - operates up to 1 inch from loco magnets
- Hermetically Sealed
- Waterproof
- 10 second install - just place under any railroad tie
- Install anywhere - on straights, curves or on switch tracks!
- Shourt LIne SL-LMX-17010 Extreme Loco Magnet
- Neodymium magnets mounted on field amplification plate with 3M outdoor adhesive pad
- Easy Install in seconds on a loco or car or on railroad ties for triggering a santa on a railroad car
- Superior strength & performance for greater placement flexibility
- Hermetically Sealed
- Waterproof
- 100% Compatible with LGB and Massoth loco magnets on Locos or any train cars
- Most powerful Loco magnet available - Stronger than the Massoth 8420102, LGB 1701 and 17010 loco magnets for superior, reliable performance
- Optionally place magnet and contact off center to avoid activation by center placed loco magnets
- Optionally place magnet on railroad track ties to trigger Santa placed on a moving car.
- Can be activated by other moving objects with the Loco Magnet attached.
Battery: 2 ea L41 (included)
Weight: .2 Oz.
Track Contact ~ 1.2" X .18" dia. sensor connected to 18" cable
SL-LM-17010 Loco Magnet ~ .57"W X 1.4"L X .18"H
Santa Scene ~ 3"W X 2.5"D X 4"H
Santa Figure ~ 1.3"W X 1"D X 2.8"H
How to install:
Click on the link at the bottom for full instructions:
![SL-TC-LM-AF2 LGB G Scale Automated Coca Cola© Santa Figure Set with Track Contact, Extreme Loco Magnet, & Animated Santa Figure Scene](image/LGB_20150_150-Yr_Christmas_LTD_ED_Set/SL-TC-AF1_Coca_Cola_Santa_Clause_G_Scale_figure_with_fire_place_cu-tk-bg_800.jpg)
Train, trees and nutcracker not included in this set but availabe at our store
Click here for more product details, easy install directions and larger photos
Questions? Call 310-622-4431 on this or any of the over 6000 G Scale Items stocked at the Shourt LIne
Thanks for looking - Shourt Line by Soft Works Ltd.
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