G Scale Track Contact >> LGB 1700 17100 with same functions & pin outs on screw terminals
SL 4117100 SL-TC-17100 Track Contact
Automate your railroad with these track contacts that activate by loco magnets and control your switches and signals.
Wire to AC power and to LGB or PIKO switch machine motors for activating switch tracks and signals when a loco magnet passes over.
Replacement for and functionally identical to LGB 1700 & LGB 17100 Track Contacts

This sale is for 1 track contact as shown above. Note that both the reed switch and 3P terminal block with electronics are waterproofed by potting inside high temp ABS plastic shells.
Shourt Line Direct Discount Price: $19.95 New
- Input voltage 12 to 18 Volts AC, 22 Volts DCC or MTS
- 2.5 amp output for controlling LGB switch or signals motors EPL or old 3 terminal style motors
- Waterproof sensor - Triple sealed with glass, 600 deg. high temp potting compound and ABS shell on each end.
- 18" stress relieved cable between the quick connect terminal block and sensor - allows out of sight installation
- High sensitivity - operates over up to 1 inch below our SL 4227010 Extreme Loco Magnets - place inside your railroad tie
- 400 volt components for long life
- 600 degree high temperature potting compound used for safe high temperature outdoor installations
- Invisible sensor - fits under your railroad tie or on the side of a tie
- Easy install - no soldering required
- Includes three connector terminal strip for easy hook up using a screw driver
- Safe for continuous use (loco parked over track contact switch)
Mfg: Made in the USA by the Shourt Line - Soft Works Ltd.
Input Voltage: 24V Max AC, DC, DCC or MTS (Shourt Line SL-PS-16AC40 16 VAC 40 Watt Transformer recommended)
Output Current: 2.5 amps maximum
Maximum Ambient Operating Temperature: 200 degrees Fahrenheit ( 93 Celsius)
Weight: 2 Oz.
Dimensions: Sensor fits inside G Scale track tie - 1.2" X .18" diameter sensor connected to 18" cable and .6" W X.6" L X .5" H terminal block with 3 terminals

How to use:
The SL-TC-17100 Track Contact is easy to use.
- Place sensor inside or on the side of a track tie on a straight or curved section of track using the supplied double stick outdoor adhesive and/or silicon in place.

- Turn the track over and connect to your layout.

- Notice the terminals are identical to the LGB track contacts where AC power is applied to the center contact and the left contact outputs + and the left outputs - voltage as desired to open or close a track or signal motor.

- Connect two track contacts to open and close a switch motor as the train passes each contact. Power is provides by a Shourt Line SL-PS-16AC40 16 VAC 40 Watt Transformer and connected to one pole of the motor and both center connector of the track connector (shown in blue below)

- The right contact of one track contact (the negative output - black wire) and the left contact of the other switch contact (the positive output - red wire) are both connected to the unused pole of the switch motor (shown below). Indoor or outdoor use - water proof sensor..

- Run your trains! As a loco magnet passes each contact, the switch motor opens and closes to provide automation for your layout.

Track, transformer and train not included in this auction.
Connection Schematic:
Make sure to use a 16 Volt AC power source for powering your track and signal motors from track contacts.

The Track Contact has 2 diodes that make the AC input Voltage 1/2 wave Positive or Negative at each of the two outputs shown above. AC or DCC input is required in order to product positive and negative outputs. Power with DC voltage will not work; DC will only produce the same voltage polarity as the input and only at one of the outputs.

For indoor or outdoor use.
Questions? Email info@ShourtLine.com by clicking here
Thanks for looking - Shourt Line by Soft Works Ltd.
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