LGB 2018D D&RGW-DSP&PRR 2-6-0 Mogul Steam Loco Working Firebox Lights Smoker w SW Real Wood Load + SL Firemans Walk-Way New
Hard to find - Made in Germany - Pre-Marklin
Smoke w on-off SW, Directional Lighting, Dual Firebox Lighting, SL Real Wood Load, SL Firemans Walkway + D motor block for easy DCC conversion

Open the boiler door for smoker ON-OFF switch
For questions on this item or details on our professional repair and conversion services
Call 310-622-4431 or email us at info@ShourtLine.com
Shourt Line Discount Pprice: $599.95 SOLD
- Operates on DC analog track power or on DCC or MTS with optional DCC decoder
- Directional front lighting operates automatically with change in direction
- LGB smoke generator with new unused smoke fluid
- On-Off switch for smoker behind the boiler door, Red = ON, Black = OFF
- 12 Point power pickup for reliable operation
- Powerful Bühler 7 pole DC motor - made in Germany for decades of use.
- Rare - Out of production and will never be made in Germany again
- Factory box and foam carrier
- Factory instructions
- LGB scale engineer and fireman figures made in Germany
- SL Smoker switch located behind the boiler door, Red = ON, Black = OFF
- SL 3140802 SL Firemans Walk-Way - closes the gap between tender and loco, snap-in mount
- SL 3130801 Real Wood Load - mfg. w waterproof glue, screw mounted, tightly stacked
- See photos for details on all the SL Shourt Line upgrades
Optional Items: See our store for details
- SL H2O water steam generator with axle Synchronized smoke puffs
- SL 3130802 SL Real Wood Load for LGB Mogul, mfg. w waterproof glue, screw mounted, loosely stacked
- ESU 5.0 XL digital sound decoder with original Mogul Sound tracks or user recorded sounds
- ESU Cab Commander WiFi Android Servo Throttle, base station router and power supply.
- Shourt Line Professional Conversion Services for Decoder and/or Pulse H2O Smoke Insulation (performed in our Shop)
Mfg: Made in Germany by LGB.
Components: Designed for indoor or outdoor use

Original press on Denver and Rio Grande graphics to change the road name if desired.

Note the 2nd set of firebox lights at the bottom rear of the motor block that illuminate the track for a prototypical firebox effect. The model D on the 2018D means that the loco is ready for DCC installation, no modification the motor bock is required.

The LGB plastic wood load, shown on the left, has been upgraded with the Shourt Line SL 3130801 Real wood load, shown on the right. The SL 3130801, is attached with 2 screws per the LGB mounting design. Please see our store to purchase additional real wood loads that are exact replacements for LGB plastic log loads.

The loco comes with a Shourt Line SL 3130801 real wood load installed, notice the difference with the LGB plastic wood and the SL 3130801 real wood load!

The loco has a Shourt Line SL ON-OFF switch installed behind the front boiler door as shown above so you can choose protect the smoker when not needed or when the smoke fluid runs out. Red is ON and Black is OFF.

The Locomotive comes with a Shourt Line SL 3140802 Firemans Walk-Way that snaps in place to keep the workers from falling between in the gap between the tender and the loco. Note that the SL duel firebox lighting effects illuminate both the inside of the firebox and the track below the firebox for a prototypical look.

The included Shourt Line SL 3140802 Firemans Walk-Way has a red adhesive patch, shown on the left, for permanent mounting but its use is optional. The SL 3140802 Firemans Walk-Way slips and snaps in place on any LGB Mogul to extend the tender base to the loco and keeps the fireman safe. The fireman can be mounted on the SL 3140802 Firemans Walk-Way if desired. The walkway is designed work on R1 or grater curves.
The photo below shows the SL Firema's Walk-Way removed, note the gap between the tender and the loco.

The loco comes with an engineer in cab and a fireman on the tender stoking the boiler. Use the included Shourt Line SL 3140802 Firemans Walk-Way to keep the fireman safe as he works, the photo above shown the dangerous gap between the loco and the tender when the Shourt Line SL 3140802 Firemans Walk-Way is not in place.

Detailed graphics and brass fixtures. Comes with D&RG road name and number sticker sheet if you care to change the road name.

The rear of the tender has power sockets for lighting or powering cars behind the tender.

The photo above shows the bottom firebox lights illuminating the track and the SL Firemans WalkWay for safely stoking the firebox..

Don't miss train - All aboard!
Questions? Call 310-622-4431 or Email info@ShourtLine.com
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